Massage has been used for thousands of years as a simple and effective method of attaining and maintaining good health and its benefits have long been recognized in many cultures throughout the world. It is the traditional art of hands-on therapy; it has long been recognized for its beneficial properties.

Remedial Massage is a paramedical treatment that helps to restore function to injured ‘soft tissues’ (muscles, tendons and ligaments). Remedial massage is one of the most popular forms of massage therapy as it addresses the aches, pains and injuries many of us seem to fall prey to at some stage in our lives. Remedial massage is a varied therapy and combines a number of different techniques such as massage, trigger points, myofascial release and lymphatic drainage techniques to work on damaged or sore muscles, soft tissue or joints.

Therapeutic Massage
Therapeutic Massage is a way to increase circulation to tense, strained muscles and other soft tissues. Depending on the desire outcome, massage may be vigorous kneading and rubbing, to it may be a more subtle, gentle touch. This is perhaps the best for a first experience of therapeutic bodywork and it is one of the easiest ways of attaining and maintaining good health. Therapeutic massage can be used to promote general well-being and enhance self-esteem, while boosting the circulatory and immune systems to benefit blood pressure, circulation, muscle tone, digestion and skin tone. It has been incorporated into many health systems, and different massage techniques have been developed and integrated into various complementary therapies such as aromatherapy, reflexology, Rolfing, Hellerwork and osteopathy.

Massage is used more frequently in conventional healthcare to relieve anxiety and reduce pain in the elderly and patients with cancer, AIDS, heart attacks and stroke. To date 90 percent of UK hospices offer some form of touch-based therapy and it is often available in drug rehabilitation and pain clinics and increasingly through NHS GP practices.

Beauty clinics, health clubs and sport centres routinely offer massage therapy and private practitioners can come to your home or workplace for on-site neck, shoulder and back massage. It is not only recipient who benefits from a massage. I maintain that there are physical and psychological benefits for both the giver and the receiver and they can emerge from a massage equally refreshed and relaxed.

At the present time there are many different types of massage used to treat a variety of muscular and soft tissue disorders, or simply to reduce stress and so promote relaxation.

Massage is one of the easiest ways of attaining and maintaining good health. It can relieve both physical and mental tension and can be helpful in dealing with a wide range of specific ailments including arthritis, asthma, back pain, headaches, muscular aches and pains and insomnia. Massage revitalize and relax, it is the perfect way of touching in a non-aggressive and non-sexual way and the direct benefits combined with the psychological benefits of feeling cared for and cosseted, quickly produce a feeling of well-being that cannot be matched by modern drugs.
Therapeutic Massage relieves:-

  • Stress, a cause of many illnesses
  • Migraine
  • Tension headaches
  • easing muscular aches and pain
  • Dispersal of toxins
  • Relaxation of the whole person
  • enhanced circulation
  • And many other ailments

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